Converting Crystal Reports 8.5 for Best to Crystal Reports 10 for Sage
All of the reports created in version 8.5 can be converted for use in Crystal Reports 10 for Sage. By following the steps below, you can convert the database driver to see the new datasource location and can use the reports as before. This way no reports created in version 8.5, or the time required to create them, will be lost.
In order to use the custom reports that were created with Abra Suite 7.4, it is necessary to change the data source in each report and save it to a new folder. Sage Abra HRMS and Crystal 10 must have been installed. The Abra Suite 7.4 data should have been upsized using the Data Upsize Wizard.
To change the data source:
1. Log on to Sage Abra HRMS and Abra Suite 7.4. Since the data source in the reports to be upgraded still reference ADA in Abra Suite 7.4 it is necessary to be logged in to that application.
2. From the Sage Abra Quick Launch Toolbar, click the Crystal button to launch Crystal Reports. The Welcome to Crystal Reports dialog opens.
3. Open one of the custom reports.
4. From the Crystal Reports main menu, select Database -> Set Datasource Location.
5. In the Replace With box, click the plus sign to expand Create New Connections.
6. Click the plus sign to expand OLE DB (ADO).
7. Double-click Make New Connection.
8. The OLE DB (ADO) dialog box opens. Click once to highlight Abra HRMS Data Access (OLE DB Provider).
9. Click Finish. The Set Datasource Location dialog box opens.
10. In the Replace with box, click once to highlight Abra HRMS Data Access. In the Current Data Source box, click once to highlight Abra Data Access. Click Update to update the old Abra Suite data source with the new Sage Abra data source.
Note: You must have the data source to change from selected in the top window and the data source to change to selected in the bottom window before you select the Update button.
11. Under OLE DB, right-click Abra HRMS Data Access and select Add to Favorites.
12. Repeat Steps 3 through 11 for each custom report and subreports.
Note: Depending on the complexity of your reports, you may also need to change field names that are T-SQL reserved words, that is desc, rule, table, and group, and check for empty dates.
Field Name Changes:
You must change the field name for all fields that conflict with keywords in T-SQL such as table, group, desc and rule. The new fields are named the same as the old, but with an ‘f’ prefixed.
13. If your report requires field name changes, when you update the data source, the Map Fields dialog box is displayed.
14. In the Unmapped Fields box, in the left box, click once to highlight the old field name. In the right box, click once to highlight the new field name. Click Map.
15. Preview the report. If you receive a message stating that one or more database tables have changed, click ‘OK’.
Checking for empty dates:
In Sage Abra, all date fields that do not have a specific date assigned to them are now NULL. If you have any reports in which you check for an empty date in a selection formula using the Empty() function, you now need to use the Isnull() function. The example below illustrates selecting benefit records in the HBENE table.
{hbene.b_beneid} in [“S”, “I”] and {hrpersnl.p_active}=”A” and (EMPTY ({hbene.b_expdate}) or {hbene.b_expdate} > CurrentDate
{hbene.b_beneid} in [“S”, “I”] and {hrpersnl.p_active}=”A” and (ISNULL ({hbene.b_expdate}) or {hbene.b_expdate} > CurrentDate