February 17, 2015

Affordable Care Act

Sage Healthcare Advisory Services

We’re here to help you navigate the myriad healthcare choices, obligations, and compliance considerations, including those of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—then making them work for your business and your employees.

Affordable Care Act Explained

The first step is understanding the avalanche of data regarding all aspects of healthcare and the ACA provided by the U.S. Government, business solution providers, healthcare providers, and insurance companies.
How Sage can help: We can explain all aspects of the increasingly complex healthcare system, boiling down all of the information available to the essentials so that it makes sense.

Affordable Care Act Explained

The next step is recognizing what is pertinent to meet your obligations to your employees, so that you can evaluate options, make informed decisions, and take on your responsibilities.
How Sage can help: We can personalize the information by translating what it really means for your business and employees by looking at the specifics of your own workforce.

Affordable Care Act Explained

Finally, it’s time to implement your solution, especially so it conforms to the new ACA regulations while satisfying your employees’ needs.
How Sage can help: We can guide you along the way to finding the right components for your business: health plans, private exchanges, HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs.

What we provide

To grow and be successful, Sage realizes you need to maximize your Return on Employee Investment (ROEI). That’s why we’re committed to helping you assist your employees with all of the changes that healthcare reform will bring and the many options available. Our broad range of assets can steer you in the right direction to make the best decisions possible in the interest of  your business, your employees, and ACA compliance. Take a look at what we offer.

Health Benefits Explained Library

The library includes live and on demand training on topics of interest to both you and your employees, as well as an employee information toolkit.

Live and on-demand training:

An integral part of the Health Benefits Explained Library, this live and on-demand training contains information and advice for you, the employer, as well as to share with your employees. Experts clearly explain all you need to know about the ACA and healthcare decision making, including topics your employees will be interested in, such as understanding benefits, the various elements of a healthcare plan, new and existing terminology related to healthcare legislation, requirements related to employers and employees, and how to navigate compliance through laws that support the new healthcare legislation.

Employee information toolkit:

This set of fully customizable tools provides the information you need to notify employees about changes resulting from the ACA and healthcare considerations in general.

Components of the employee information toolkit include:

  • PowerPoint presentations and presenter notes for the live and on-demand training referenced above.
  • Employee microsite.
  • Checklists of items for you and your employees to review for next steps.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
  • Glossary of terms.
  • Communication templates.
  • And more.
    Learn more at: HealthBenefitsExplained.com

My Workforce Analyzer

Another component of Sage Healthcare Advisory Services and an optional add on to the Health Benefits Explained Library, My Workforce Analyzer is a unique software tool that tracks and analyzes your company information so you can better manage and make informed decisions about the healthcare and ACA requirements. My Workforce Analyzer includes analysis of employee hours of service to determine if you qualify as a large employer, coverage affordability, pay-or-play decision (offer coverage or take the penalty), and employee time required to monitor and manage part-time and full-time eligibility.

Sage My Workforce Analyzer Video

Sage My Workforce Analyzer Click for Video

Learn more at: MyWorkforceAnalyzer.com

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